Be Careful

Ryan has recently decided that he can walk up and down steps.  Normally we encourage the kids to "boop" (going down on their bottom, step by step), but now that he's a big boy he wants to walk like the rest of us.  I know this is inevitable, and just try and monitor it as best I can, but Hari is still trying to get him to boop.

The other day the conversation went like this:

   Ryan: "Daddy, I walk. I be careful."
   Hari: "No, Ryan, go boop."
   R: "I be careful."
   Hari: "No, Ryan, go boop."
   R: "I be careful."
   Hari: "No, Ryan, go boop."
   Ryan: (while booping down the stairs) "Daddy, YOU be careful."

Now every time he's going down the stairs Ryan admonishes everyone in sight.  Mommy, you be careful.  Colin, you be careful.  Sydney, you be careful.  Then he walks, very carefully, one step at a time holding the vertical rails of the banister until he gets to the bottom stair.  At that point he hops off the step and lands two-footed and looks around for praise on his most-excellent dismount.

And yes, I cheer.  So does Colin.  We're all suckers for this little guy.


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