Motherly Love

They say a mother's love knows no bounds.
I've proven it true:

Last Friday night I realized it was 8PM and I was watching Dora the Explorer and her mis-adventures in helping "Mama Bugga-Bugga" get a cookie to her babies.  I was first and foremost proud that not only did I survive, I managed to keep my brain from crawling out my left ear and hiding from the saccharine horror on our TV.

Then I started thinking about life BC (Before Children), and how on a Friday night Hari and I were probably at a nice restaurant having a fancy dinner... or perhaps going to a movie... or maybe in the city seeing a Broadway show.  And I realized that even though I can't stand Dora, and the whole "bugga bugga" thing makes my skin crawl, I was enjoying my evening because I was with my boys (all three of them).

As if that didn't seal the deal, a couple of nights later Hari and I were actually sitting down to a meal together.  I had fed the boys earlier, Colin was happily watching a movie (periodically coming to the dining room table to ask for treats - cheese), and Ryan was stationed on his mat with a basket of toys and was laying on his belly happily playing.  I relaxed, realizing I was going to be able to eat my meal without jumping up 37 times to get things, help someone, wipe up a spill, or pick up a lost toy.

My moment of peace lasted approximately 60 seconds, at which time I looked up and saw a shadow headed across the floor toward the baby...


I jumped up from the table, sprinted across the room (knowing I wasn't going to be in time) and scooped up the baby... just as a giant centipede was scuttling under him.  I couldn't see the horrible creature, but was convinced I was going to look down and see it crawling up his belly and into his (always open) mouth.  I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw it wasn't on him, then began harassing poor Hari to GET UP AND GET THE BUG - NOW-NOW-NOW!  He chided me, teasing that I just didn't want to pick up the centipede... and he was right.  I saved the freakin' baby - YOU get the bug.

For the record, it was so big it wasn't even hiding... just sat in the middle of our living room floor like it owned the place!  If that isn't motherly love, I don't know what is!


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