Tomato Slobber

 Ryan hates tomatoes.

HATES them.

He (of course) eats catsup, and pizza, and pasta with red sauce because he's a boy and logic doesn't have to exist in  his universe.  But he draws a hard line when it comes to tomatoes.

For the record, Colin is on the other side of that divide.  He'd rather eat a tomato than an apple, and has to be reminded (FREQUENTLY) that catsup is a condiment and not a beverage.

I put a small piece of tomato on Ryan's plate the other day - I'm a jerk like that.  Not only did he refuse to eat any part of his meal that touched the tomato, he proclaimed that the meal was ruined by the "TOMATO SLOBBER" on his plate.

Now I can't get that out of my head.


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