Half Day of School = Chaos

So the kids have a half day of school today.  I'm working from home.  They come home, each have a snack, then we agree that they'll take the dog for a walk.

I gave VERY specific instructions before they left.

  • Colin, you take the leash on the way there.
  • Take her on the tennis courts and let her run around.
  • Don't take the harness off, just unclick the leash.
  • Ryan, you hold the leash on the way home.
  • Here's a phone - the alarm is set. When this goes off you come straight home and start your homework.

I relax with some quiet to continue my hectic workday, expecting to have about an hour before the beasts return.

About 25 minutes later Colin bursts in the door.  Soaked.  I'm getting different stories from each child, but apparently, SOMEHOW they were playing on the ice of the frozen creek and he fell in.  There was no actual risk to life and limb since the creek is about 6-12 inches deep, and about 4 feet wide, but still... UGH!

In some stories, Ryan pushed Colin onto the ice.
Other tales informed me that it was all Colin's idea.
I expect the truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between.

Colin is now soaking in a tub of hot water while Ryan does his homework.  I"m refusing to listen to either of the fabricated versions of what happened.  And of course they will be separated and closely monitored for the remainder of the day.


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